My dear workfriends,
As you know, the Corona virus, which started in China and spread all over the world, turned into a great disaster and caused the death of thousands of people. It started to be seen and killed in our country for about 10 days.
We, as VBT, have taken many precautions, just like many other companies. The first of these was that we switched to the remote working system as much as possible. We switched to remote work to a great extent in Istanbul, Ankara and Adana offices. Likewise, many of our friends working at our customers were either on leave or started working remotely.
We arranged vehicles for friends who had to come to the offices. Thus, we prevented them from using public transportation and taking risks.
Currently, the most important contribution we can make on behalf of our country and our company will be staying in our homes, not going out as much as possible and paying attention to our hygiene. Please let's make the utmost effort to adhere to this lifestyle for a while.
I hope and I wish that in this process we have been through this process, no one from our company without getting sick. If any of our friends have a suspicious situation in this regard, they should inform us immediately. We are ready to give the necessary health support immediately.
For any questions about the orona virus, you can contact our Director of Finance and Administrative Affairs Zahide Koçyiğit or our General Manager Tayfun Yurdagül.
Together, we will overcome these difficult days and continue to grow and produce as the VBT family in healthy days again.
Best regards and respect
Birol Basaran
Chairman of the Board