As a result of the meeting held by the Board of Directors of our Company at the Company headquarters on 18.02.2022, the following decisions were taken:
According to our consolidated financial statements for the accounting period 01.01.2021-31.12.2021 prepared by our Company in accordance with the Capital Markets Board's "Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets" numbered II.14.1 and independently audited by Kavram Bağımsız Denetim ve Danışmanlık A.Ş., net profit after tax amounting to TL 34,146,203 and according to our individual financial statements prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code and Tax Procedure Law No. 213, net profit after tax amounting to TL 33,497,369.
Within the framework of our Company's dividend distribution policy;
- Distribution of gross TL 13,000,000 (gross TL 0.50 per share with a nominal value of TL 1, gross 50% of the issued capital) of the net distributable profit calculated in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code and the Capital Markets Board's regulations and resolutions on dividend distribution to shareholders as cash dividend,
- To set aside TL 1,674,868 as general legal reserves in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code,
- Allocation of the remaining profit as Extraordinary Reserves,
It was proposed to submit the matter of authorizing the Board of Directors to the approval of the shareholders at the Ordinary General Assembly meeting.
It was unanimously decided by the members present at the meeting.