As a result of the meeting held by the Board of Directors of our company at the company headquarters;
- To transfer 113,571 fully paid registered shares of Kpay Ödeme Teknolojileri Danışmanlık Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ's capital amounting to TL 214,286, each of which is worth TL 1.00, to VBT Yazılım Girişim Sermayesi Yatırım Fonu, founded by Neo Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş., for a price of TL 8,000,000, with its rights, benefits and benefits until the date of transfer;
- To sign the Share Transfer Agreement for the transfer;
- Delivery of the share certificates subject to the transfer to the Buyer by making a transfer endorsement;
- It has been unanimously resolved by the members attending the meeting to carry out the necessary works and transactions for the transfer to be recorded in the share ledger of Kpay Ödeme Teknolojileri Danışmanlık Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ and to make the notifications regulated in Articles 198 and 338 of the Turkish Commercial Code.
It is announced to the public.