VBT Software Inc. Established a New Company in America: VBT Software INC

VBT Software Inc. Established a New Company in America: VBT Software INC

The establishment of VBT Software INC with a capital of USD 100,000.00, which was established by our Company for the development of software activities in the USA, has been completed. VBT Software INC. is a 100% shareholder of the said company.

02 Mayıs 2023, Salı

VBT Software Inc. Established a New Company in America: VBT Software INC

The establishment of VBT Software INC with a capital of USD 100,000.00, which was established by our Company for the development of software activities in the USA, has been completed. VBT Software INC is a 100% shareholder of the said company.

It is announced to the public.

Sincerely regards

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