With the decision of the Board of Directors dated 22.09.2021 and numbered 36
- Our Company to participate in the allocated capital increase to be realized by Buz İletişim Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., which has a total capital of TL 8,000,000, consisting of 8,000,000 shares with a nominal value of TL 1.00 each, and to participate in the allocated capital increase to be realized by Buz İletişim Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. with a total capital of TL 8,000,000, with a price of TL 8,000,000, in a way to hold 50.00% of the capital;
- In the calculation made regarding whether the said transaction will be considered as a significant transaction in accordance with Article 6 titled "Materiality Criteria" of the Capital Markets Board's Communiqué No. II-23-1 on Common Principles Regarding Significant Transactions and the Right to Separate;
- The ratio of the transaction amount (TL equivalent 8.000.000,00-) to the total assets (161.926.091-TL) according to the latest financial statements is 4,94%;
- The ratio of (547.040.788-TL) to the value of our company calculated on the basis of the arithmetic average of the daily adjusted weighted average prices for the six months prior to the date of the Board of Directors Decision is 1,46%;
- No rent or similar income will be obtained from the acquisition of the Financial Fixed Asset (Share Purchase);
- Since these values have been realized below the criteria required for the transaction to be considered as a significant transaction within the scope of the Communiqué on Common Principles Regarding Significant Transactions and the Right of Separation numbered II-23.1 dated December 24, 2013, it is not considered as a significant transaction and the shareholders are not granted the right of separation;
- To make the necessary PDP announcements;
Regarding the decision to participate in Buz İletişim Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. by participating in the capital increase mentioned in this announcement, our Company's Board of Directors previously decided to postpone the disclosure of insider information within the scope of Article 6 of the CMB's II-15.1 Communiqué on Material Events with the decision dated 22.09.2021 and numbered 2021/36. Considering that the said postponement decision may cause damage to the legitimate interests of our Company in matters such as competition conditions etc., it has been taken within the framework of CMB communiqués in order to prevent damage to the legitimate interests of our Company and therefore our shareholders, and this announcement is made as soon as the reasons for postponement are eliminated.
It is announced to the public.
Sincerely Regards