OYAK signed a 1-year contract with VBT for the additional development of the Human Resources software project called DigitalIK

OYAK signed a 1-year contract with VBT for the additional development of the Human Resources software project called DigitalIK

OYAK and VBT have provided a 1-year contract for additional developments and maintenance in 2021 for the Human Resources software, which they have developed together since November 2019 and called DigitalIK.

21 Ocak 2020, Salı

OYAK signed a 1-year contract with VBT for the additional development of the Human Resources software project called DigitalIK

OYAK and VBT have provided a 1-year contract for additional developments and maintenance in 2021 for the Human Resources software, which they have developed together since November 2019 and called DigitalIK. DigitalIK software is a human resources software used jointly by 50 domestic and foreign companies in the OYAK group. It contains the following functions;
1. Personal File
2. Self Service
3. SSelection and Placement
4. Performance
5. Career and Talent
6. Learning and Development
7. Job Evaluation, Salary, Benefits
8. Leave and Time
9. Budget by the number of people
10. Processes (Approval Flow)
11. Corporate Communication
The software, which has IOS and android interfaces on both web-based and mobile platforms, supports 9 languages. Thanks to this software, the OYAK group provides the advantage of managing 30 thousand employees working in both domestic and foreign companies from a single platform. Both the OYAK group and VBT see this human resources software as very strategic and continue to invest.

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