New Company Establishment in Germany by VBT Yazılım A.Ş.

New Company Establishment in Germany by VBT Yazılım A.Ş.

VBT Software A.Ş. has established a company named VBT Software DE GmbH with a capital of EUR 100.000 in order to develop its software activities in Germany and completed the establishment on 30.06.2022. Pending receipt of the tax number.

30 Haziran 2022, Perşembe

New Company Establishment in Germany by VBT Yazılım A.Ş.

With the decision of the Board of Directors of our company dated 28.02.2022, it was decided to establish a company with the title VBT Software DE GmbH in Germany with a capital of EUR 100,000 in order to develop the software activities of our company, the establishment was completed on 30.06.2022 and it is expected to obtain a tax number.

The decision of the Board of Directors regarding the postponement of the public disclosure of the establishment process on 28.02.2022 regarding the establishment of Germany-based VBT Software DE GmbH, in order to prevent damage to our legitimate interests, to prevent misleading our investors and to ensure that this information is kept confidential, is disclosed to the public in accordance with Article 6/2 of the CMB's Communiqué on Material Events.

It is announced to the public.


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