The Central Bank is upgrading its IBM Mainframe systems with VBT

The Central Bank is upgrading its IBM Mainframe systems with VBT

The Central Bank has decided to renew the Mainframe and storage equipment that it has used since 2010 with VBT Software.

12 Ekim 2018, Cuma

The Central Bank is upgrading its IBM Mainframe systems with VBT

The Central Bank has decided to renew the Mainframe and storage equipment that it has used since 2010 with VBT. In this context, 2 IBM z14 603 Model will be purchased instead of the hardware in the institution. Storage products will be renewed with 2 DS8886 and finally 2 TS4500 will be positioned as tape product.
In addition to these hardware, IBM licenses will be under license maintenance for 5 years. In addition, zOS systems will also be upgraded to the new version.
The contract period will be 5 years and will expire on December 31, 2022.

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