Ücretlendirme Politikası


Article 1: Scope and Legal Basis

This Pricing Policy determines the principles related to the remuneration of the board members and executives with administrative responsibilities of VBT Software Inc. ("Company") within the scope of the relevant regulations.

This Pricing Policy has been prepared in accordance with the Capital Markets Law No. 6362, the Corporate Governance Communiqué No. II.17.1 published by the Capital Markets Board of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey, and other related legislation.

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Pricing Policy is to ensure that remuneration practices are planned and executed in line with relevant legislation, the scope and nature of the Company's activities, the Company's strategies, and long-term goals.

The Pricing Policy is created to attract new executive candidates to the Company and to retain our high-performing executives.

When determining the Pricing Policy, sectoral data is taken into account to remain competitive in the sector, attract new executive candidates to the Company, and reduce external turnover.

Article 3: Principles of Pricing

The Remuneration Committee, established within the Board of Directors, determines the principles, criteria, and practices to be used in the remuneration of the board members and executives with administrative responsibilities, taking into account the long-term goals of the company. It oversees these principles and makes recommendations to the board regarding the remuneration to be paid to board members and executives with administrative responsibilities, considering the degree to which the criteria used in remuneration have been met.

If a separate remuneration committee cannot be established due to the structure of the Board of Directors, the Corporate Governance Committee will fulfill the duties of this committee.

Board members will be paid an amount determined annually by the General Assembly. When determining the remuneration levels of the Board members, factors such as the responsibility they take in the decision-making process, and the knowledge, skills, and competencies they must have will be considered, and comparisons will be made with the remuneration levels of board members of similar companies in the sector.

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