Kâr Dağıtım Politikası


1. The Company's annual profit is distributed by the decision of the general assembly within the framework of the Dividend Distribution Policy determined in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, the Capital Markets Law, and relevant legislation, and the articles of association.

2. The board of directors determines the proposal regarding the distribution of profit by considering the delicate balance between the interests of the shareholders and the interests of the company in accordance with the provisions of the legal legislation.

3. The decision on whether or not to distribute dividends is taken by the general assembly upon the proposal of the board of directors, and the board of directors' proposal regarding the distribution of profit is disclosed to the public at the latest on the date when the agenda of the ordinary general assembly is announced and published on the Company's website, within the framework of the Capital Markets Board's Dividend Communiqué (II-19.1) and the CMB's regulations regarding the public disclosure of special circumstances.

4. Dividend distribution procedures begin at the latest by the end of the fiscal period in which the general assembly where the distribution decision is made is held.

5. Provided that it is resolved at the general assembly meeting, the dividend may be divided into equal or different amounts of installments. The number of installments and payment times are determined by the decision of the general assembly or by the board of directors authorized by the general assembly.

6. Dividends are distributed equally to all existing shares as of the distribution date, regardless of their issue and acquisition dates, in proportion to their shares.

7. The amount of dividend per share is found by dividing the profit decided to be distributed to the shareholders at the general assembly by the total number of shares.

8. There are no privileged shares in terms of dividend entitlement.

9. Since our shareholders' shares are recorded as per legal legislation, dividend payments are made to Takasbank A.Ş. to be transferred to our shareholders' accounts in intermediary institutions and banks, on the date determined by the general assembly, in accordance with the relevant legislation provisions, upon the request of the Central Registry Agency (MKK).

10. Dividend distribution is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, the Capital Markets Law, and the relevant legislation, as well as our articles of association.

11. There must be a provision in the articles of association in order to distribute profit shares to the members of the board of directors and company employees.

12. There must be a provision in the articles of association in order to make donations. The limit of the donation to be made is determined by the general assembly. Donations made within the relevant fiscal period are added to the distributable profit base. Donations and payments to be made are disclosed to the public within the framework of the regulations on the public disclosure of special circumstances and presented to the shareholders at the ordinary general assembly.

13. The dividend distribution policy is prepared in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, the Capital Markets Law, and the relevant legislation regulations, as well as the provisions of the articles of association, and is included in the annual activity report. Our shareholders are informed about this at the general assembly.

14. In case a change is desired to be made in the dividend distribution policy, the decision of the board of directors and the reason for the change are disclosed to the public within the framework of the CMB's regulations on the public disclosure of special circumstances.